If Bigfoot is there, it could be a bear." DB Cooper plane hijacking mystery could be solved 52 years later after new evidence emerges Viral TikTok video shows 'giant' in Idaho mountains Andy ...
The Hudson Valley is known as a hotspot for UFO activity. Pine Bush is known as the Area 51 of the East coast and Unsolved Mysteries dedicated an entire podcast episode to "The Hudson Valley Wave" ...
scientific evidence ... [+] suggests we already know the identity of this mysterious hominid. The public’s fascination with Bigfoot, or Sasquatch if that’s your preferred name, dates back decades.
Reports of multiple Bigfoot sightings in northern Idaho and Montana reignite interest in the elusive creature. Video footage ...
In his new book, BC journalism instructor John O’Connor ventures ... The film is the single most infamous and contested piece of Bigfoot evidence in existence, with an audience divided between those ...