A ‘no pain, no gain’ mentality might make sense when striving for change – but don’t confuse discomfort and distress ...
When your own thoughts discourage and undermine you, it’s easy to get tangled. A change of strategy could get you past it ...
Some masculine norms are a straightjacket, depriving men of the connections they need. It takes bravery to leave them behind ...
is a London-based writer and consultant on science, technology and the future. A former editor-in-chief of New Scientist, he is the author of The Bright Side: Why Optimists Have the Power to Change ...
An artist receiving long-overdue recognition reflects on the motifs of circles and numbers that have inspired her all along ...
is a neurosurgeon and the author of the book Gray Matters: A Biography of Brain Surgery (2024). He lives in New York City.
is a doctoral student in philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania, US, originally from Istanbul, Turkey. Her primary interests are in ethics and aesthetics.
Psyche is a digital magazine from Aeon Media that illuminates the human condition through psychology, philosophy and the arts.