Arab media also reported the elimination of a senior figure in Syria. However, Al-Hadath reported that several Hezbollah ...
Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, spoke before the General Assembly ahead of the vote on the Palestinian resolution ...
Bringing bikurim to a kohain and the bikurim recitation are rectification for the sin of the spies. 2. Giving bikurim to a ...
World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder expresses his deep appreciation for French President's ongoing commitment to ...
“Looking out for Number One” is a tried-and-true path to success. After all, as the great sage Hillel said, “if I am not for myself, who will be for me?” Individual action and achievement is one of ...
Israeli Foreign Minister likens his EU counterpart to “the greatest antisemites in history.” Sadly, Borrell has stiff ...
Despite heavy losses, the terror group knows that it will be the victor if it's still standing on its feet when the war it ...
The terrorist who murdered Matan Elmaliah in the attack near Ma'ale Adumim this past February has been hospitalized in a ...
Israel is leading the fight of good against evil while the so-called civilized world no longer knows what side it’s on. Op-ed ...
I have never been so moved by the prayer for the welfare of our IDF soldiers. Just before the cantor began, the gabbai ...
IDF aircraft struck a vehicle transporting armed terrorists on Thursday in Qabatiya in the Jenin region, as part of an ...
Dr. Ghassan Abu Sittah, a Lebanese plastic surgeon, described in an interview with CNN the various injuries he has treated as ...