Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin says that the conversation between Vucic and Lavrov is "a conversation between friends who understand each other.
The president of the municipality of Gracanica, Ljiljana Subaric, says that after today's raid, the so-called Kosovo police ...
Dry and cold weather with frost, in some places with fog is expected during New Year's Eve. Minimum temperatures will range ...
"Today was an extraordinary day for Serbia! We opened 30 kilometers of a new and most modern highway to the pride of all ...
President Aleksandar Vucic met today in Brussels with Italian Deputy PM and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy Antonio ...
A 62-year-old teacher was seriously wounded in an attack at a Zagreb school on Friday. Jutarnji List has unofficially learned ...
She assessed that in the history of world politics, the hatred towards one man like that shown towards Vucic is unprecedented ...
Minister of Defense in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, had a traffic accident this morning on the Ibar highway.
BRISEL - Generalni sekretar NATO Mark Rute izjavio je danas da će ta vojna alijansa pojačati patrole u regionu Baltičkog ...
Tri žene iz Brazila umrle su nakon što su posle božićne večere pojele parče torte. Tatjana Deniz Silva dos Anjos (43) i Maida ...
Čuveni američki sportski komentator Greg Gambel preminuo je od raka u 78. godini, saopštila je u petak njegova porodica ...
Ilon Mask ponovo je došao u centar pažnje srpske javnosti, nakon što je u jednoj od objava spomenuo srpskog naučnika Nikolu ...