"In contrast to prevailing beliefs, our finding suggests that the impact of a noisy public space on BP readings is small and ...
Nothing doctors prescribed controlled Michael Garrity’s dangerously high blood pressure — until they zapped away some nerves ...
Trista Best, M.P.H., RD, a registered dietitian with Balance One Supplements, adds, “Hydration is key for ensuring blood ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently release new guidelines that revealed that K-salt or potassium chloride may reduce the consumption of sodium which will decrease the risk of chronic ...
Potassium salt may provide a good alternative to sodium, and must be promoted, said experts on Wednesday while welcoming a new recommendation by the World Health Organization (WHO) on ...
The Mediterranean diet includes many vegetables, such as artichokes, eggplant, and beets, which provide vitamins, minerals, ...
The life insurance medical exam is part of many insurers’ underwriting processes to evaluate the risk of insuring you. The ...
BP readings taken in public spaces vs. those taken in private offices appeared similar, results from a randomized crossover ...
Conflicting information about the health impacts of alcohol might leave you wondering if it's OK to drink, even in moderation. Experts explain the clashing research and answer your questions about ...
Intensive blood pressure control for adults with hypertension and high cardiovascular risk can reduce the risk of mild ...
Major heart health risk factors like obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure remain on the rise in the United States, ...
However, there are specific fruits that can help stabilize or reduce blood pressure, thanks to their nutritional properties.