Agony aunt Coleen Nolan has advice for a reader annoyed that her partner makes much less effort over sex than she does ...
He reckons his daughter will be devastated if the dog doesn't go to live with him, but I’m the one who walks her, feeds her ...
I’m a guy in my late twenties and have been seeing my girlfriend for about a year. When it’s just the two of us, it’s perfect ...
Whenever I announce an achievement, she has one better, if I’m sick she’s sicker or was ill before me, but didn’t say ...
I’ve dated a bit over the years, but haven’t met anyone I’ve wanted to have a serious ­ relationship with, plus my daughter ...
Agony aunt Coleen Nolan has advice for a 69-year-old reader who's getting married again after his wife passed away but his ...
The Mirror's agony aunt Coleen Nolan helps a father who is concerned how the breakdown of his relationship with the mother of ...
Mirror agony aunt Coleen Nolan answers a letter from a reader who's always at loggerheads with her youngest sister and wants ...
Mirror agony aunt Coleen Nolan has some advice for a reader who worries that it might be too late for them to find love and ...
He bought the dog three-and- a-half years ago and at first I wasn’t keen, as I’ve never had pets, but I love this dog so much ...
Why do women hate me so much? I’ve never had a ­girlfriend and I’m now in my 70s, so thinking I’m too old at this point to be ...