"The Pitt" is a medical drama from the studio behind "ER," the producer behind "ER," and centered on one of the signature ...
Consider this example both an enticement and a warning. Created by ER alum R. Scott Gemmill, The Pitt takes a ruthlessly ...
Medical dramas don't tend to be my primary choice of TV show. But I'd be a liar if I said The Pitt didn't hook me right away.
Noah Wyle stars as a put-upon emergency department doctor in "The Pitt," streaming on Max. He's not a grown-up Dr. Carter ...
HBO’s streaming platform Max is emulating network TV with a weekly medical drama. Each episode tracks an hour of a shift in ...
Victoria Javadi (Shabana Azees) is a third-year medical student and fast-tracked prodigy who experiences an embarrassment on ...
A medical drama going for bracing realism is anchored by a strong central performance from a veteran TV doctor.
Hailing from 'ER' vets including R. Scott Gemmill and John Wells, the 15-episode real-time series follows the doctors and ...
ER 's Noah Wyle is back in scrubs for a new medical drama.
Its creative team includes “ER” alumni, and it is a hospital drama starring Noah Wyle. But it is doing its own thing (and is ...
Noah Wyle returns to the emergency room in The Pitt, a great new hospital drama on Max whose season follows one day in a ...
The Pitt is a new medical drama from the team that made ER, and starring one of the leads of that show, Noah Wyle.