Sakamoto Days, inspired by Yuto Suzuki's popular manga, follows Taro Sakamoto (Matthew Mercer), an assassin who marries Aoi (Rosie Okumura) and starts "a mom-and-pop store in a quiet town." ...
Fans of the British soap opera "EastEnders" will get to choose Denise's path in an upcoming episode as part of the show's ...
Resurrection cast adds David Zayas, Jack Alcott, and James Remar reprising their roles opposite Michael C. Hall's serial ...
With 'Original Sin' proving to be a big hit, the 'Dexter' renaissance will continue in June with David Zayas, James Remar, ...
According to Deadline, David Zayas, Jack Alcott and James Remar have all been cast in the spin-off as series regulars. Zayas will reprise his role as Detective Angel Batista - who first appeared in ...