The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 0.4% in early trades Wednesday after mixed jobs data. Nvidia was slightly higher after suffering a huge drop on Tuesday. In economic news, the ADP jobs report ...
Shares have been on the move with the stock up 3.8% over the past month. The stock hit a new 52-week high of $153.13 in the previous session. Nvidia has gained 4.4% since the start of the year ...
We have plans,' Jensen Huang tells financial analysts shortly after Nvidia unveiled Project DIGITS, a mini desktop system ...
Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang is open to meeting President-elect Donald Trump at his resort but hasn't received an invitation yet.
The long wait outlined by Huang for "very useful quantum computers" throws cold water on a sector that was already expected ...
Nvidia stock (NVDA) hit a new record high on Jan. 7 of $153.13 during intraday trading but eventually closed down over 6.2% ...
So, is Nvidia stock a buy at its current level? Or is the stock's current valuation already pricing in expected business ...