World Health Organisation data states that over 1.9 million deaths across the globe are due to overconsumption of sodium.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently release new guidelines that revealed that K-salt or potassium chloride may reduce the consumption of sodium which will decrease the risk of chronic ...
"In contrast to prevailing beliefs, our finding suggests that the impact of a noisy public space on BP readings is small and ...
Nothing doctors prescribed controlled Michael Garrity’s dangerously high blood pressure — until they zapped away some nerves ...
Don’t worry if someone’s checking your blood pressure in a loud public place.The reading they get is apt to be just a ...
New research challenges traditional blood pressure measurement guidelines by showing that public spaces, even noisy ones, ...
A new study found a minor difference between blood pressure measurements taken in public spaces compared to those in private ...
Learn what blood pressure numbers mean, discover proven ways to maintain healthy levels, and understand when to seek medical ...
Maintaining tight control over blood pressure for even a short while can provide lasting benefits for seniors’ brain h ...
This research highlights the importance of rethinking current blood pressure guidelines for diabetes patients. Lowering ...
About half of U.S. adults have high blood pressure, a major risk for heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, even dementia.
I wrote about the pressure single people feel to be fabulous in my book, It’s Not You: 27 (Wrong) Reasons You’re Single. Even for people who are mostly happy with their lives, New Year’s Eve ...