Starring Parks and Recreation’s Adam Scott, Severance follows a team of employees at Lumon Industries, a biotechnology company founded by highly respected doctor and philosopher Kier Eagan.
The Completely Made-Up Adventures Of Dick Turpin is no more. Season 2 of the Apple TV+ comedy has been shut down after Noel ...
Minor fissures in the otherwise monolithic edifice don’t dilute the unrelenting precision with which ‘Severance’ probes the boundaries of identity, autonomy, and the soul-crushing absurdities of moder ...
Adam Scott stars in the hit Apple TV+ series Severance, but what do we know about his life away from the screen?
Fortunately, “Severance” returns to Apple TV+ on Friday, and its makers seem to have used every second of the absence ...
As fans prepare for the long-awaited return of Severance on Apple TV+, let’s dive into the life of actor and comedian Adam ...