Guillotined Guilicos The transitional housing community Los Guilicos Village, 2 km east of Oakmont, housing 60 homeless people in 60 tiny homes, will be torn down soon.  This facility is operated by ...
While I’m not exactly a fan of Mr. Don, I do take exception with Ms. Libby Hicks’ assessment of his circumstance (Sept. 4 Letters to the Editor). While he may end up back in office, I find it ...
A week before Thanksgiving, I spent 50 minutes interviewing the directors of Project Censored, Andy Lee Roth and Mickey Huff. I opened our conversation on Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon ...
I’m glad to see the documentary Three Seconds in October: The Shooting of Andy Lopez being promoted by Kathleen Finigan—in this paper and on its website. I believe that a national airing is being ...
Apropos of your excellent “Climactic Climate” piece by Alastair Bland (June 12, 2024), I have my own hack for reducing carbon, saving water and improving personal health all at the same time: I’ve ...
Usually, the Best of Everyday category is relegated to the stores, shops and businesses Marinites use on a regular basis. And I dig that. I even grok that. But my choice is a bit different. Ever the ...
Now that teachers are expected to risk their lives every day in school, they need to be represented by the same unions as other socialist occupations like police and firefighters. Caring professions ...
Along with gorgeous scenery, a cool vibe and plenty of performing arts, Marin has drawn some of the most revered chefs around to make their culinary magic here. From casual cafés, to micro-breweries ...
Throughout time, artists have visually responded to the world around them and reflected the times they live in with their art. In this new era of sheltering-in-place, Marin’s nonprofit O’Hanlon Center ...
The “bomb cyclone” storm in late October walloped Marin County. Mt. Tamalpais received 21.7 inches of rain. Power outages, flooding and road closures affected thousands of residents. In Southern Marin ...
Please don’t respond again with the outworn phrase, “This is not who we are.” This is exactly who we have been and have become. Once again, we, as a nation, are faced with murder—multiple murders and ...